Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 182
Catering for the Mathematically Gifted
(Daily Express, 2007-06)
This article examines the situation of mathematically gifted and talented students, who are typically misunderstood, bored, and frustrated in the regular classroom. It identifies some strategies for use with such students, ...
(Unesp-faculdade Ciencias & Letras, 2016-09-01)
This article results from a master's research aiming to investigate effects of the Brazilian laws regulating Special Education in the public school system, focusing on the provisions for Gifted and Talented students. The ...
Niños bien dotados, superdotados y talentosos.Well-endowed, gifted and talented children.
(IIMEC, 1986)
Las autoras indican que este tipo de niños (dotados, superdotados y talentosos) se encuentran en todos los niveles socioeconómicos y medios socioculturales. Sin embargo, parece ser que se dan más en algunas culturas que ...
Niños bien dotados, superdotados y talentosos.Well-endowed, gifted and talented children.
(IIMEC, 1986)
Las autoras indican que este tipo de niños (dotados, superdotados y talentosos) se encuentran en todos los niveles socioeconómicos y medios socioculturales. Sin embargo, parece ser que se dan más en algunas culturas que ...
Estudo de caso de uma criança com características de altas habilidades: problematizando questões referentes à inclusão escolar
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBREducaçãoUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação, 2007-01-12)
The present research inserts itself in the Research Line of Special Education of the Course of Mastership of the Program of Post-Graduation in Education of the Federal University of
Santa Maria UFSM. The interest of ...
Talents and culture: the paths of Anita MalfattiOs talentos e a cultura: a trajetória de Anita Malfatti
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2016)
Impact in the school system of a strategy for identifying and selecting academically talented students: the experience of Program PENTA-UC
The study explores the consequences, for participating schools, of the implementation of a system for the identification and selection of academically talented students, in the context of an extracurricular enrichment ...
Habilidades sociais e bem-estar subjetivo de crianças dotadas e talentosas
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Psicologia - PPGPsi, 2012-03-01)
In considering the national publications about gifted and talented children, it was noticed that there is a lack on scientific knowledge and empirical research about the socio-emotional characteristics of these children, ...