Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 330
Optimal management scenarios for the artisanal fisheries in the ecosystem of La Paz Bay, Baja California Sur, Mexico
(Ecological Modelling, 2004)
In La Paz Bay, two artisanal fisheries operate, one based on hook-and-line, targeting snappers and groupers, and the other mainly based on gillnets, targeting species such as tilefish and haemulids. A shrimp fishery, which ...
Exploring fisheries strategies for multi-criteria decision making: A case study of the East China Sea
(Resources Science, 2010)
Major problems regarding traditional fisheries management in the context of rapidly declining stocks and degrading ecosystems and an urgent need for sustainable devolvement create an impetus for a fundamental change in ...
Primary fisheries management: A minimum requirement for provision of sustainable human benefits in small-scale fisheries
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2011)
The role of uncertainty in the design of sustainable and precautionary management strategies for fisheries
(Wiley, 2020)
Environmental variability has a strong influence on
marine fish stocks. Thus, management and harvest
policies based on deterministic indicators, such as
maximum sustainable yield (MSY), may be inappropriate
facing such ...
Optimizing yields of the king mackerel (Scomberomus cavalla) fishery from the West and southern Gulf of Mexico
(Scientia Marina, 1995)
The concept of optimum yield is applied to an age structured simulation model of the Scomberomorus cavalla (Mitchill) fishery in the western and southern Gulf of Mexico. Current yearly catch amounts to 2,600 tonnes and is ...
Catch-to-stock dependence: The case of small pelagic fishery with bounded harvesting effort
(Rocky Mountain Mathematics Consortium, 2019)
Biologic characteristics of schooling fish species explain why the rates of harvesting in pelagic fisheries are not proportional to the existent stock size and may exhibit no variation between the periods of fish abundance ...
Harvesting technology and catch-to-biomass dependence: The case of small pelagic fish
(Universidad Alberto Hurtado. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2015)
An ecosystem modelling approach to deriving viable harvest strategies for multispecies management of the Northern Gulf of California
An ecosystem analysis was developed focusing on resource exploitation and biodiversity conservation for the Northern Gulf of California. The main tools employed were a trophic ecosystem model and time dynamic simulations. ...