Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 3651
A university extension course in leprosy: telemedicine in the Amazon for primary healthcare
(Royal Soc Medicine Press Ltd, 2009-01-01)
There is a high prevalence of leprosy in the Amazon region of Brazil. We have developed a distance education course in leprosy for training staff of the Family Health Teams (FHTs). The course was made available through a ...
A university extension course in leprosy: telemedicine in the Amazon for primary healthcare
(Royal Soc Medicine Press Ltd, 2009-01-01)
There is a high prevalence of leprosy in the Amazon region of Brazil. We have developed a distance education course in leprosy for training staff of the Family Health Teams (FHTs). The course was made available through a ...
Análisis de la situación y perspectivas de trabajo del servicio de extensión: resúmenes de los talleres
(Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura (IICA), 1995)
Los talleres son un aporte al propósito del Congreso Nacional de Cafeteros que en su Resolución del 6 de diciembre de 1993 autoriza y recomienda: a) inducir un profundo análisis y revisión de las políticas, estrategias y ...
Curricularização da extensão: sugestões para a implantação no curso de administração da Unipampa
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilAdministração PúblicaUFSMPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Gestão de Organizações PúblicasCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2017-05-29)
The university extension programs have becoming noticeable in the academic field. They are the supporter of the transforming interaction between University and society, and thus the programs have become institutionalized ...
Perceptions about the extension by teachers and graduatesPercepções sobre extensão por parte dos docentes e discentes de graduação
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2022)
The multiple perspectives in a dialogical continued education course on animal welfare: Accounts of a team of extension agents and a manager and a cowboy from a rural Brazilian territory
(Elsevier B.V., 2014-12-01)
The objective of this article is to describe and analyze practices of a training course in animal welfare with a strong dialogical component, as offered by state rural extension agents to a manager and cowboy of a rural ...
The multiple perspectives in a dialogical continued education course on animal welfare: Accounts of a team of extension agents and a manager and a cowboy from a rural Brazilian territory
The objective of this article is to describe and analyze practices of a training course in animal welfare with a strong dialogical component, as offered by state rural extension agents to a manager and cowboy of a rural ...
O Uso das TIC nas Práticas dos Professores de Matemática da Rede Básica de Ensino: O projeto Mapeamento e seus desdobramentos
This article aims to present the project Mapping the use of information technology in Mathematics classes of the State of São Paulo, as well as the results of the mosaic of research that constitute this project. In addition, ...