Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2920
The role of an equity policy in the reproduction of social inequalities: High School Ranking and university admissions in Chile
(SAGE Publications Ltd, 2022)
© The Author(s) 2022.The High School (HS) Ranking is an equity policy aimed at increasing the enrolment of students from underprivileged contexts in selective higher education institutions in Chile. However, HS Ranking is ...
Development as if Equity Mattered - A Report on the Conference on Public Policy, Natural Resources and Equity. September 24 -26th, Georgetown, Guyana.
(The Cropper Foundation., 2011-09-06)
Health equity in the world's most unequal region: A challenge for public policy in Latin America Equidad en salud en la región más desigual del mundo: Un reto de políticas públicas en América Latina
(Instituto Nacional de Salud, 2013)
Re-democratization has transformed the social agenda and the role of the state in Latin America with a growing commitment to health equity and social justice, yet these aspirations are strained by the region's profound ...
Health equity: evidence synthesis and knowledge translation methods
At the Rio Summit in 2011 on Social Determinants of Health, the global community recognized a pressing need to take action on reducing health inequities. ...
Health systems and the right to health: an assessment of 194 countries
he paper traces the evolution and working of the Global Equity Gauge Alliance (GEGA) and its efforts to promote health equity. GEGA places health equity squarely within a larger framework of social justice, linking findings ...
El concepto de equidades y sus contradicciones: la política social mexicanaThe concept of equities and its contradictions: Mexican social policy
(Instituto de Investigaciones Sociales, 2015)
Equity in the public budget
This article aims to make a walk-through in the virtual reality of budgetary and fiscal matters in order to identify the possible degrees of freedom to achieve a higher level of convergence between the public discourse on ...
Brand equity of Lahore Fort as a tourism destination brandBrand equity del Fuerte Lahore como una marca de destino turísticoBrand equity do Forte Lahore como uma marca de destino turístico
(RAE - Revista de Administracao de EmpresasRAE - Revista de Administração de EmpresasRAE-Revista de Administração de Empresas, 2015)
(Universidad de Chile. Departamento de Economía, 2008)