Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 21
Environment, analysis, and change: a simplified trichotomy for understanding organizationsEntorno, análisis y cambio: Una tricotomía simplificada para entender a las organizacionesEnvironnement, analyse et changement : une trichotomie simplifiée pour comprendre les organisations
(Universidad Central de Venezuela, 2022)
Organizational happiness, emotional intelligence, and a basic model of strategic managementLa felicidad organizacional, la inteligencia emocional y el modelo básico de administración estratégicaBonheur organisationnel, intelligence emotionnelle et modele de base de la gestion strategique
(Universidad Central de Venezuela, 2022)
Corporate universities in the consolidation of organizational learning ecosystemsUniversidades corporativas en la consolidación del ecosistema de aprendizaje organizacionalLes universités d'entreprise dans la consolidation de l'écosystème d'apprentissage organisationnel
(Universidad Central de Venezuela, 2022)
The external organizational environment of agricultural extension: key to organic coffeeEl ambiente externo organizacional de la extensión agrícola: clave para el café orgánicoL'environnement organisationnel externe de la vulgarisation agricole: clé du café biologique
(Universidad Central de Venezuela, 2022)
Del liderazgo transaccional al liderazgo transformacional: implicaciones para el cambio organizacional
This review article discusses on the importance of change in the evolution and development of organizations and how it must be addressed by the leaders in a different way to traditional, considering the current environment ...
Aplicação da gestão estratégica de design em uma organização do terceiro setor
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaBrasilTecnologia em Design GráficoUTFPR, 2018-11-27)
Cette recherche a pour objectif d’étudier les contributions possibles du domaine du Design Management, en particulier à son niveau stratégique, aux processus de communication auprès d'une organisation de la société civile ...
Predictor variables for burnout among nursing professionalsVariables de predicción para burnout entre profesionales de enfermeríaVariables prédictives de l’épuisement chez les professionnels des soins infirmiersVariaveis preditoras para burnout entre profissionais de enfermagem
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2018)
Civil society organisations and the fight for rights in Brazil: analysis of an evolving context and future challenges
(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2016-08)
The operational environment of civil society organisations (CSOs) in Brazil has undergone several changes since the 1990s that deepened in the last decade, especially for a group of organisations that are the focus of this ...