Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1363
Towards identifying emotional human behavior in online classes: first steps : Human emotional behavior in a virtual class
Emotional management is very important in face-to-face classes, in fact, it is the very basis of learning. However, there is still no clear answer to what happens when classes are online or on Moocs, referring to emotional ...
The role of regulation and emotional eating behaviour in the early development of obesity
The purpose of our research was to explore the role of both parents’ use of behavioural regulation with food and children’s emotional self-regulation in young children with and with-out overweight/obesity. For this purpose, ...
Prevalence estimates of special educational needs: A focus on emotional and behaviour disorders [PowerPoint presentation]
This study seeks to (a) provide accurate estimates of special education needs (SEN) in Trinidad and Tobago, with specific reference to emotional and behavioural disorders, by using up-to-date and relevant data; and (b) ...
Fast route versus slow route: Electrophysiological and behavioural evidences of emotional processing pathways
Research in the area of neurocognitive processing of emotions, indicates the possibility of two segregated pathways in the brain. These correspond to a slow pathway (sensory-thalamic-cortical) and a fast pathway (sensory-thalamic ...
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2021-09-01)
Temperament, plasticity, and emotions in defensive behaviour of paca (Mammalia, hystricognatha)
Within a species, some individuals are better able to cope with threatening environments than others. Paca (Cuniculus paca) appear resilient to over-hunting by humans, which may be related to the behavioural plasticity ...
Poverty Attributions and Emotions Associated With Willingness to Help and Government Aid
(University of Rijeka. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2021-12)
This study aims to understand how willingness to help people in poverty and the agreement with providing government aid are connected to emotions and attributional processes, in a country with a high poverty rate such as ...
Relationships between perceived coach leadership, athletes' use of coping and emotions among competitive table tennis players
The aims of this study were to examine: (a) whether coach leadership behaviours predict athletes' use of coping and (b) whether coping predicts athletes' emotional outcomes in competition. A sample of 180 table tennis ...
Adding support to cross-cultural emotional assessment: Validation of the international affective picture system in a chilean sample
The present study aimed to obtain a valid set of images of the International Affective Picture System (Lang, Bradley & Cuthbert, 2005) -a widely used instrumentation in emotion research- in a Chilean sample, as well as ...