Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 125
Fintech strategy: E-reputation
Digital media use applied to professional atmosphere is increasing its relevance in the companies of the 21st century. As a consequence, organisations should bear this fact in mind and adapt their corporate strategies to ...
El Préstamo Digital Controlado en bibliotecas
Controlled digital lending (CDL) is a model by which libraries digitize materials in their collection and make them available for lending. It is based on interpretations of U.S. copyright principles of fair use and copyright ...
Digitising ivory artefacts at the National History Museum in Brazil
The advantages of digitisation technologies, such as 3D scanning, photogrammetry and 3D modelling, for the documentation and dissemination of cultural heritage artefacts is well understood by researchers. Nevertheless, ...
Accessible digitisation and visualisation of open cultural heritage assets
In this research, we proposed a methodology for documenting open and medium-large scale cultural heritage assets. By open we mean both in the sense of their location in open spaces and the fact that they are openly accessible ...
Método para correção de imagens de Phantom e classificação de suas estruturas de interesse
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)Natal, RN, 2012)
O controle de câncer de mama representa um dos grandes desafios que os serviços de
saúde pública enfrentam atualmente. Para realizar o controle de qualidade de sistemas
mamográficos o Ministério da Saúde exige o uso ...
The waveform digitiser of the Double Chooz experiment: performance and quantisation effects on photomultiplier tube signals
(Iop Publishing LtdBristolInglaterra, 2013)
Automatic Markerless Motion Detector Method against Traditional Digitisation for 3-Dimensional Movement Kinematic Analysis of Ball Kicking in Soccer Field Context
Kicking is a fundamental skill in soccer that often contributes to match outcomes. Lower limb movement features (e.g., joint position and velocity) are determinants of kick performance. However, obtaining kicking kinematics ...
La evaluación de las políticas educativas TIC. Análisis del impacto del Sistema Educativo Digital (SED)
En esta investigación se analizó el impacto del Sistema Educativo Digital (SED) impulsado por el INTEF del Ministerio de Educación español en los centros de enseñanza de
Ceuta y Melilla. El propósito fue evaluar el efecto ...