Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 13471
Towards a History didactics definition
This paper aims to define history didactics along the lines of the current German literature, which conceives it to be closer to history than to education. Associated to the word Geschichtsdidaktik, this definition is ...
How does your home sound? A didactic proposal of Music through CLIL and PBL in Compulsory Secondary Education
Bilingual and multilingual education is becoming increasingly widespread in Spain. The CLILbased
methodology seeks to maximize its potential, projecting itself as an effective model for
learning an additional language ...
A historical-cultural approach to physics teaching : analysis and proposal of a didactic sequence
(Organizacion Estados Iberoamericanos Educacion Ciencia & Cultura-oei, 2016-09-15)
Is analyzed in this article a didactic sequence developed during a master's research. The didactic sequence in question, together with five experimental assemblies composed a teaching approach designed and implemented by ...
Philosophical Didactic, Philosophy of the Aleatory DidacticDidáctica filosófica, didáctica aleatoria de la filosofía
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2014)
La importancia de recursos didácticos virtuales en la enseñanza de la suma en el segundo año de Educación General Básica en la Unidad Educativa Particular “Corel”
(Universidad Nacional de Educación, 2022)
La importancia de recursos didácticos virtuales en la enseñanza de la suma en el segundo año de Educación General Básica en la Unidad Educativa Particular “Corel”
(Universidad Nacional de Educación, 2022)
Application of tracker software in the teaching of linear kinematics through didactical situations
(IEEE Computer Societyhelp@computer.org, 2019)
The presented proposal is based on the Theory of Didactical Situations which propose individual and group sequences and activities that allow a learning that starts from the student's knowledge, accompanied by the application ...