Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 18
Properties of the corticostriatal long term depression induced by medial prefrontal cortex high frequency stimulation in vivo
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2017-07)
Repetitive stimulation of cognitive forebrain circuits at frequencies capable of inducing corticostriatal long term plasticity is increasingly being used with therapeutic purposes in patients with neuropsychiatric disorders. ...
Motor deficits and beta oscillations are dissociable in an alpha-synuclein model of Parkinson's disease
(Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2017)
© 2017 Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and John Wiley & Sons Ltd Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterised by progressive motor symptoms resulting from chronic loss of dopaminergic ...
Minutes, days and years: molecular interactions among different scales of biological timing
(The Royal Society, 2014-01)
Biological clocks are genetically encoded oscillators that allow organisms to keep track of their environment. Among them, the circadian system is a highly conserved timing structure that regulates several physiological, ...
Motor deficits and beta oscillations are dissociable in an alpha-synuclein model of Parkinson's disease
(Wiley, 2017)
Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder characterised by progressive motor symptoms resulting from chronic loss of dopaminergic neurons in the nigrostriatal pathway. The over expression of the protein ...
Deficits in temporal processing in mice prenatally exposed to Valproic Acid
(Wiley Blackwell Publishing, Inc, 2018-03)
Temporal processing in the seconds-to-minutes range, known as interval timing, is a crucial cognitive function that requires activation of cortico-striatal circuits via dopaminergic–glutamatergic pathways. In humans, both ...
Modelo animal da Doença de Parkinson baseado na expressão de alfa - sinucleína: caracterização comportamental, eletrofisiológica e avaliação dos efei tos da estimulação da medula espinhal
(Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do NorteBrasilUFRNPROGRAMA DE PÓS-GRADUAÇÃO EM PSICOBIOLOGIA, 2014-09-26)
Parkinson disease (PD) is associated with motor symptoms and dopaminergic cell loss in the nigrostriatal pathway. Alpha-synuclein is the major component of the Lewy bodies, the biological hallmarks of disease, and has been ...
Involvement of Dopamine Signaling in the Circadian Modulation of Interval Timing
(Wiley, 2014-03)
Duration discrimination within the seconds-to-minutes range, known as interval timing, involves the interaction of cortico-striatal circuits via dopaminergic-glutamatergic pathways. Besides interval timing, most (if not ...
Contributions of dopaminergic signaling to timing accuracy and precision
(Elsevier, 2016-04)
Existing evidence suggests that interval timing, processing of temporal information in the hundredth of milliseconds-to-minutes range, recruits broad brain regions such as cortico-striatal circuits via dopaminergic-glutamatergic ...
Acquisition of response thresholds for timed performance is regulated by a calcium-responsive transcription factor, CaRF
(Wiley, 2013-07-12)
Interval timing within the seconds-to-minutes range involves the interaction of the prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia via dopaminergic-glutamatergic pathways. Because the secreted protein BDNF is able to modulate dopamine ...