Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 9098
Corporate Complicity in International Human Rights Violations
(Annual Reviews, 2016-10)
Two literatures - business and human rights and transitional justice - can be usefully combined to consider the issue of corporate complicity in past human rights violations in dictatorships and armed conflicts. But although ...
A new view of shareholder voting in the nineteenth century: evidence from Brazil, England and France
(Routledge Journals, Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2013-06-01)
Business corporations in the nineteenth century often imposed limits on the voting rights of large shareholders. Economic historians have generally interpreted these voting restrictions as a contractual mechanism designed ...
Internet Freedom Is Not Enough: Towards an Internet Based on Human Rights
(Conectas Human Rights, 2013)
Technological development provides new opportunities for the progress of humanity as well
as for the realization of human rights, although, at the same time, it also creates new risks
for these rights. In recent years, ...
Notes on non-voting shares rightsApuntes sobre los derechos de las acciones sin voto
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2022)
Board independence, firm performance and ownership concentration: Evidence from Chile
What determines the composition of companies' boards in the context of high ownership concentration? Are independent directors important as an internal governance mechanism in companies with high ownership concentration? ...
¿Es necesario el marco de responsabilidad de los Derechos Humanos Corporativos Internacionales? Un análisis del poder económico, los derechos comerciales y humanos y la jurisdicción extraterritorial de los Estados UnidosIs an International Corporate Human Rights liability framework needed? An Economic Power, Business and Human Rights, and American Extraterritorial Jurisdiction analysis
(Opinión Jurídica, 2014-07-31)
All companies, regardless of the sector they belong to, can positively or negatively impact human rights. Governments are increasingly aware of the benefits that free trade brings their nations, which has led them to do ...
Corporate Complicity and finance as a "Killing Agente": The Relevance of the Chilean Case
(Oxford University Press, 2010)
Las prácticas corporales en la educación corporalCorporal practices in Corporal Education
(Colégio Brasileiro de Ciências do Esporte (CBCE)Estudios en Educación CorporalPorto Alegre, Brasil, 2021)