Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 70176
Necessary conditions for continuous-time optimization under the Mangasarian–Fromovitz constraint qualification
In this paper, a Mangasarian–Fromovitz-type regularity condition is presented with the purpose of obtaining first order necessary optimality conditions for continuous-time nonlinear programming problems with both equality ...
(Universidad del Bío-Bío, 2005)
A Constant Rank Constraint Qualification in Continuous-Time Nonlinear Programming
The paper addresses continuous-time nonlinear programming problems with equality and inequality constraints. First and second order necessary optimality conditions are obtained under a constant rank type constraint ...
Analysis of the correlation structure of square time series
(WILEY, 2004)
This paper analyses the asymptotic behaviour of the autocorrelation structure exhibited by squares of time series with a Wold expansion where the input error is a sequence of random variables with mean zero and finite ...
Memory for time of training modulates performance on a place conditioning task in marmosets
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier Science, 2008-05)
In rodents, the expression of a reward-conditioned place preference (CPP) is regulated in a circadian pattern such that the preference is exhibited strongly at the circadian time of prior training but not at other circadian ...
Necessary conditions for optimal impulsive control problems
A Maximum Principle is derived for a class of optimal control problems arising in midcourse guidance, in which certain controls are represented by measures and, the state trajectories are functions of bounded variation. ...
Necessary conditions for optimal impulsive control problems
A Maximum Principle is derived for a class of optimal control problems arising in midcourse guidance, in which certain controls are represented by measures and, the state trajectories are functions of bounded variation. ...