Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 605
Um “campo de concentração” em 1964: a história do golpe em Itaqui
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2007-06-26)
From stories about the existence of a concentration camp in Itaqui city, in the countryside of Rio
Grande do Sul, during the civil-military 1964’s dictatorship, this paper was developed in order to
understand the real ...
Control of oocyte maturation
Oocyte maturation is a complex process involving nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation. The nuclear maturation is a chromosomal segregation and the cytoplasmic maturation involves the reorganization of the cytoplasmic organelles, ...
Control of oocyte maturation
(Brazilian Coll Animal Reproduction, 2014-07-01)
Oocyte maturation is a complex process involving nuclear and cytoplasmic maturation. The nuclear maturation is a chromosomal segregation and the cytoplasmic maturation involves the reorganization of the cytoplasmic organelles, ...
La ‘liberación’ del Campo de Concentración de Castuera: rebelarse a través del espacioCastuera Concentration Camp ‘liberation’: a rebelion through the space
(Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Facultad de Humanidades y Artes. Escuela de Historia., 2018)
A number instead of a proper nameUn número en lugar de un nombre propioUn numéro au lieu d’un nom propre
(Universidad de Antioquia, 2013)
Is it possible an ethical decision in the concentration camp? About Sophie’s choice¿Es posible la decisión ética en el campo? Sobre la real decisión de Sophie
(Centro de Investigaciones y Estudios sobre Cultura y Sociedad, 2016)
Um autorretrato de Primo Levi: as raízes literárias da narrativa de Auschwitz
Th e anthology La ricerca della radice written by Primo Levi allows the reader to understand the intellectual infl uences received throughout his life. Th e aim of this paper is to establish analytic relation between the ...
Control of oocyte maturation
(Brazilian Coll Animal Reproduction, 2015)