Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 78
The comprehensive management of pests and diseases in crops as an alternative of commitment for the fulfillment of environmental social responsibility in agricultureEl manejo integral de plagas y enfermedades en cultivos como una alternativa de compromiso para el cumplimiento de la Responsabilidad Social Ambiental en la agricultura
(Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, 2021)
Maize production technology for the future: challenges and opportunities
Smart insect-pest management for cotton crops
(Universidad EAFITDoctorado en IngenieríaEscuela de Ciencias Aplicadas e IngenieríaMedellín, 2024)
In this research, we address the problem of smart insect-pest management for cotton crops. For the study of this problem, we have positioned it in the framework of the paradigm of Smart agriculture. In this context, Smart ...
Revising the concept of crop health from an agroecological perspective
(Taylor & Francis, 2020-02)
The concept of health has been widely used to refer to soils, crops or agroecosystems. It resembles the idea of wholeness or general well-being, which is interesting to integrate different disciplines. There have been ...
Revising the concept of crop health from an agroecological perspective
(Taylor and FrancisSalud y SostenibilidadReino Unido, 2022)
Wheat improvement: food security in a changing climate
(Springer Nature, 2022)
The CGIAR Research Program on Maize 2017 Annual Report
A scalable offline AI-based solution to assist the diseases and plague detection in agriculture
(Taylor & Francis Group, 2023)
Hongos fitopatógenos de las inflorescencias de mangó (Mangifera indica L.)Fungal pathogens of mango (Mangifera indica L.) inflorescencesHongos fitopatógenos de las inflorescencias de mangó (Mangifera indica L.)Fungal pathogens of mango (Mangifera indica L.) inflorescences
(University of Puerto Rico Mayagüez Campus Agricultural Experiment Station, 2020)