Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 45
The Increase in Percentage of Students Who Actually Do Homework by Means of Communicative Out-of-Class Tasks instead of Homework Assignments: A Case Study of Adult EFL Students in the Conversation Courses at The University of Costa RicaThe Increase in Percentage of Students Who Actually Do Homework by Means of Communicative Out-of-Class Tasks instead of Homework Assignments: A Case Study of Adult EFL Students in the Conversation Courses at The University of Costa Rica
(Escuela de Lenguas Modernas, Universidad de Costa Rica, 2013)
Impact of task-based language teaching (TBLT) on tenth graders' speaking skill at a public school
(Facultad de Artes y HumanidadesManizalesMaestría en Didáctica del Inglés - Manizales, 2023)
Uma investigação sobre a prática pedagógica: refletindo sobre a investigação nas aulas de matemática
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação - PPGE, 2008-01-24)
This research, of qualitative approach, was done in State public schools and private
ones of the city of Campinas SP. It is about a research of my own practice that
seeks to comprehend the changes occurred in practice ...
Uma proposta pedagógica sob a temática “resoluções de ano novo” vinculada ao uso de novas tecnologias e sua ênfase na interação de alunos particulares de inglês em aulas individuais
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilCurso de Especialização em Ensino de Línguas Mediado por Computador (EAD)UFMG, 2016-07-20)
Learning environments have not been limited to the traditional school environment anymore with all the technology we have in our hands nowadays. However, the new methods of teaching intend to break the resistances to the ...
Uso del celular para fomentar el aprendizaje y la participación en el idioma extranjero Inglés con los estudiantes de grado noveno del colegio San José de Calasanz de Duitama
(Universidad Santo TomásMaestría EducaciónMaestría en Educación, 2020-09-03)
Curso on line em habilidades sociais para professores da pré-escola para inclusão de crianças com deficiência
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Educação Especial - PPGEEsCâmpus São Carlos, 2022-09-27)
Pre-school is a stage of schooling in which the child experiences major changes in their development, largely due to the social interactions established in the school context between peers and adults. Therefore, it is ...
The use of a false cognates/friends corpus in A2 learners’ accurate oral production through the development of cross cultural awareness training and speaking Tasks.
(Universidad de La SabanaMaestría en Didáctica del Inglés con Énfasis en Ambientes de Aprendizaje AutónomoDepartamento de Lenguas y Culturas Extranjeras, 2014-11-13)
This research study aimed at providing evidence of the influence that the use of a false cognates and friends corpus has on the oral production of a group of A2 English level in a bilingual environment.Additionally, it was ...
Implementación de modelo de instrucción explícita en el uso de estrategias de lectura con estudiantes de EFL
The project consisted in the implementation of the Proposal for Training in Reading Strategies, which constitutes the main product and the second phase of the research 'Learning strategies used in reading comprehension ...