Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 32134
Who, how and what is investigated in a commercialized educational system? A meta-analysis of research on educational policy in post-dictatorship Chile (1990-2019)
(Universidad de San Andrés y Arizona State University, 2022)
Starting from the idea that research and who carry it out affect the construction of the educational system, this article seeks to describe and understand what the main patterns of academic publication on educational policy ...
Graduación Escuela de Líderes Agrícolas
Ceremonia de graduación de la Escuela de Líderes Agrícolas.
Temas a tratar: alcance de la educación, innovación, oportunidades de crecimiento.
Mercadores, caixeiros e contadores: a formação de profissionais do comércio e o processo de consolidação do ensino técnico comercial no Brasil (1931-1971)
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2020-11-27)
The thesis presented has as its theme the Brazilian Commercial Education. The
general objective of the investigation was to analyze the institutionalization processes and the consolidation of this teaching modality at a ...
Mercadores, caixeiros e contadores: a formação de profissionais do comércio e o processo de consolidação do ensino técnico comercial no Brasil (1931-1971)
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2020-11-27)
The thesis presented has as its theme the Brazilian Commercial Education. The
general objective of the investigation was to analyze the institutionalization processes and the consolidation of this teaching modality at a ...
La mercantilización de la producción y de la difusión del conocimiento y sus efectos. Los universitarios como sujetos sujetados
This essay offers a theoretical and political perspective on the expansion of higher education in Latin America that differs from the predominant one in the current academic mainstream. Based on a bibliographic research, ...
Trayectorias educativas según género. Lo invisible para la política educativa chilena
(Edit UM-Ediciones Univ. Murcia, 2018)
Chile is in a moment of educational policy reforms to counteract its strong inequality, but the gender perspective remains marginalized to the decision making. Beyond equal access to schools, many national and international ...
Plano Municipal de Educação: perspectivas e desafios para os gestores de Coqueiros do Sul
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Educação, 2015-11-27)
This study refers to the construction of the Final Work Specialization in Educational Management from the Federal University of Santa Maria (UFSM) and has as its theme the construction of the Municipal Education Plan (SMEs) ...