Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 177
Coactivation of the shoulder and arm muscles during closed kinetic chain exercises on an unstable surface
Introduction: The purpose of this study was to compare the electromyography index of muscle coactivation of the following muscle pairs: posterior deltoid and pectoralis major (PD/PM); triceps brachii and biceps brachii ...
Evaluating Patellar Kinematics Through Magnetic Resonance Imaging During Open- and Closed-Kinetic-Chain Exercises
Purpose: To evaluate patellar kinematics of volunteers Without knee pain at rest and during isometric contraction in open- and closed-kinetic-chain exercises. Methods: Twenty individuals took part in this study. All were ...
Reliability of electromyographic amplitude values of the upper limb muscles during closed kinetic chain exercises with stable and unstable surfaces
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the intra and interday reliability of surface electromyographic amplitude values of the scapular girdle muscles and upper limbs during 3 isometric closed kinetic chain ...
A importância da cadeia cinética no exercício de fortalecimento no tratamento da osteoartrite de joelho: revisão de literatura
(Universidade Federal de São Paulo, 2023-01-05)
Introdução: A osteoartrite do joelho (OAJ) é uma das principais causas de dor e incapacidade física em todo o mundo. O exercício de resistência é fortemente recomendado para o tratamento da OAJ. Esses exercícios podem ser ...
Mechanical unfolding of a knotted protein unveils the kinetic and thermodynamic consequences of threading a polypeptide chain
Knots are remarkable topological features in nature. The presence of knots in crystallographic structures of proteins have stimulated considerable research to determine the kinetic and thermodynamic consequences of threading ...
Activation of Selected Shoulder Muscles During Unilateral Wall and Bench Press Tasks Under Submaximal Isometric Effort
(J O S P T,, 2011)
STUDY DESIGN: Controlled laboratory study. OBJECTIVE: To assess the activation of 7 shoulder muscles under 2 closed kinetic chain (CKC) tasks for the upper extremity using submaximal isometric effort, thus providing relative ...
Structure and aggregation kinetics of vinyltriethoxysilane-derived organic/silica hybrids
(Wiley-Blackwell, 2013)
Correlation Between Trochlear Groove Depth and Patellar Position During Open and Closed Kinetic Chain Exercises in Subjects With Anterior Knee Pain
The purpose of this study was to correlate the trochlear shape and patellar tilt angle and lateral patellar displacement at rest and maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC) exercises during open (OKC) and closed ...