Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 24545
High-Level Seminar on Basic Planning Functions
(ILPES, 2000-12)
Español Nivel básico
(Área de Español como Lengua Extranjera - Cursos intensivos - Universidad de Belgrano, 2015-04-30)
Descripción del curso
El curso se dirige a estudiantes que se aproximan porprimera vez al español. El objetivo de este
curso es que puedan adquirir un dominio general de la lengua para comunicarse en situaciones
conocidas ...
Education in basic skills and training for productive work
The success of global policies and strategies aimed at training for productive work depends to a large extent on the level of development of basic skills among the work force and, likewise, training costs will vary according ...
Use of communicative activities and English Language Learning in basic level students at the language center of Cesar Vallejo University.
(Universidad Nacional de Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle. Escuela de Posgrado., 2018-04-05)
The thesis entitled Use of communicative activities and English language learning in basic level students at the language center of Cesar Vallejo university, had as general hypothesis that the use of communicative activities ...
a basic math for pensum of the DAC Administration and Academic careersuna matemática básica para pensum de las carreras de Administración y Contaduría del DAC
(Universidad Centroccidental Lisandro Alvarado, 2018)
Final report on High-Level Seminar on Basic Planning Functions
(ECLAC, 2000-11-07)