Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2557
On the possibility of breaking the heterodyne detection quantum noise limit with cross-correlation
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc., 2018)
The cross-correlation sensitivity of two identical balanced photodiode heterodyne receivers
is characterized. Both the balanced photodiodes receive the same weak signal split up equally, a situation
equivalent to an ...
Optimal Estimation of Mass Partition in a Centrifugal Separator by Metallurgical Balance
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná (UTFPR), 2016)
Effects of ethanol on energy balance of rats and the inappropriateness of intraperitoneal injection
(Elsevier B.V., 1996-11-01)
Energy balance of female rats that were either injected daily with ethanol or received the alcohol by gavage was determined and the results compared with saline animals. Food intake, feces elimination, and body weight were ...
Protein-energy requirements of boys 12-14 y old determined by using the nitrogen-balance response to a mixed-protein diet
(American Society for Nutrition, 1992)
Short-term nitrogen-balance response to traded intakes of a vegetable mixed-protein diet and to a milk-egg protein diet was tested in eight healthy male children aged 12-14 y. They received 72, 104, 136, and 168 mg N · kg ...
Indirect calorimetry and nitrogen balance in patients with elective craniotomy Calorimetría indirecta y balance nitrogenado en pacientes con craneotomía electiva.
The aim of this study was to assess resting energy expenditure and nitrogen excretion in patients with cranial injury. In 25 patients subjected to elective craniotomy and 23 healthy volunteers, energy expenditure was ...
Efeito da suplementação de cloreto de amônio sobre os equilíbrios eletrolítico e ácido-básico e o pH urinário de ovinos confinados
The incidence of obstructive urolithiasis in sheep is high, especially in feedlot males, both for meat production, or the breeder of high genetic value. The urinary acidification is one way to prevent this disease and can ...
Changes in protein repletion markers in undernourished patients receiving enteral nutrition and its relation with energy and nitrogen balance Cambios en los marcadores proteicos de repleción nutricional en pacientes desnutridos conn nutrición enteral y su
AIM: To study the relationship between the changes in protein repletion indicators and calorie and nitrogen balance in undernourished patients receiving enteral nutrition. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Fourteen patients (11 female, ...
Evaluación de los factores hidrológicos, hidrográficos y climatológicos, para un balance hídrico, en la cuenca del río Momón-Loreto
(Universidad Nacional de la Amazonía Peruana, 2015)
El balance hídrico de la cuenca del río momón, conformada por la masa de agua que recibe el área de incidencia del proyecto (precipitación y la masa de agua que sale y/o se evapora y/o se retiene (evapotranspiración, con ...
Planejamento estratégico e balanced scorecard: alternativas gerenciais para uma administradora de condomínios
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, 2014-06-30)
The adoption of management tools has become, in recent times, a differential for companies, due to the fact that it brings important information to the processes of planning, controlling and decision-making. The effectiveness ...