Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 298
Symmetry of mountain pass solutions of some vector field equations
(SpringerNew YorkEUA, 2006)
Soluções exatas das equações de Einstein com simetria axialExact solutions to the Einstein equations with axial symmetry
(Sociedade Brasileira de Física, 2005)
PROPOSAL OF A LEARNING SITUATION FOR THE DEEPENING OF THE CONCEPT OF AXIAL SYMMETRYPROPUESTA DE UNA SITUACIÓN DE APRENDIZAJE PARA LA PROFUNDIZACIÓN DEL CONCEPTO DE SIMETRÍA AXIALProposal of a learning situatión for the deepening of the concept of axial symmetrypropuesta de una situación de aprendizaje para la profundización del concepto de simetría axial
The objective of this seminar is to design a sequence of activities, through Brousseau's Theory of Didactic Situations, to deepen the concept of symmetry through geometric construction. The sequence is focused for students ...
Relativistic multipoles and the advance of the perihelia
(Kluwer Academic/plenum PublNew YorkEUA, 2002)
Extremal black hole initial data deformations
(IOP Publishing, 2016-05)
We study deformations of axially symmetric initial data for Einstein-Maxwell equations satisfying time-rotation (t-φ) symmetry and containing one asymptotically cylindrical end and one asymptotically flat end. We find that ...