Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 53
Some ring theoretical properties of skew Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt extensions
(Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá - Facultad de Ciencias - Departamento de Matemáticas, 2017-07-01)
In this paper we investigate a notion of Armendariz ring for skew Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt extensions. We proceed with the study on the relationship between the ring theoretical properties of being Baer, quasi-Baer, p.p. and ...
Annihilators of quadratic and bilinear forms over fields of characteristic two
(Elsevier Inc., 2007)
(Academic Press Inc Jnl-comp SubscriptionsSan Diego, 1994)
Abelian subgroups of pro-p Galois groups
(Amer Mathematical SocProvidenceEUA, 1998)
El anillo de Witt y sus módulos
(Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo, 2021-03)
Our objective is to define the structure of Witt Rings and their modules NK*(A) defined from nilpotent endomorphisms. We will start by defining Binomial rings in order to understand a little of the behavior of some Witt ...
A recursive description of pro-p Galois groups
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier ScienceSan DiegoEUA, 2004)
O anel dos vetores de Witt e o problema de Waring
Neste trabalho, fazemos um estudo geral do anel de valorização discreta completo. Construímos o anel dos vetores deWitt, denotado por W(A), com coeficientes em um anel comutativo com unidade A. Definimos W(k), onde k é um ...