Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 793
Mobility from the Catholic Religion to the “without Religion” Identification in Young University Students in Chile
In recent years, Chile has experienced a highly significant abandonment of the Catholic church. This can be observed in young people, who have left its organizational spaces and their identification with it. The magnitude ...
The religiosity of "without-religion" peopleA religiosidade dos sem religião
(Ciencias Sociales y Religión/Ciências Sociais e Religião, 2013)
Las Bellas Artes
The human, always has had from his beginnings the worry of demonstrating and to be made notice somehow, this way we have that one of the ways that he has found to demonstrate his emotions, feelings, ideas, thoughts etc., ...
La religión en la esfera pública: Habermas y el resurgimiento de la religión.Religion in the public sphere: Habermas and the revival of religion
EVA CONTRA EVA: La crisis del imaginario colectivo
Traditionally, women are considered a subculture within a supreme patriarchal system, nevertheless, intra-gender relations are not free of flaws which require observation and analysis in order to define and understand the ...
La mediación y el misterio: El concepto de religión sin esencia en el pensamiento de Bernhard Welte. Sus fundamentos y posibles correctivosThe Mediation And The Mystery: The Concept Of Religion Without Essence In The Thought Of Bernhard Welte. Its Foundations And Possible Correctiv
(Universidade de Brasília. Departamento de Filosofia, 2019-07)
El artículo se ocupa del concepto de religión sin esencia en el pensamiento de Bernhard Welte y de su conexión con las nociones kierkegaardianas de fe, escándalo y comunicación indirecta. Primero describe la esencia de la ...
Orfeo y Eleusis