Mostrando ítems 1-9 de 9
A new phytophagous species of Eurytoma (Hymenoptera: Eurytomidae) attacking Werauhia gladioliflora (Bromeliales: Bromeliaceae)
Eurytoma werauhia Gates, new species, is described and illustrated. This species was reared from the floral buds of Werauhia gladioliflora (Wendl.) (Bromeliales: Bromeliaceae), in Costa Rica. This plant represents a new ...
Reproductive Biology of the Epiphytic Bromeliad Werauhia gladioliflora in a Premontane Tropical Forest
The floral phenology, fruit and seed production, and self-compatibility of Werauhia gladioliflora, an epiphytic bromeliad with a wide distribution, were studied in a premontane forest in the Monteverde area in Costa Rica. ...
CAM or not CAM - a study on juveniles of Guzmania lingulata, Guzmania monostachia and Werauhia sanguinolenta (Bromeliaceae)
(UniandesMaestría en Ciencias BiológicasFacultad de CienciasDepartamento de Biología, 2012)
Dispersal limitation in epiphytic bromeliad communities in a Costa Rican fragmented montane landscape
Transformation of tropical forests is likely to affect seed-dispersal patterns and influence the composition of epiphytic plant communities in human-altered habitats. We tested this hypothesis by carrying out a comparative ...
Establishment of Epiphytic Bromeliads in Successional Tropical Premontane Forests in Costa Rica
Plant community composition is the combined result of species‐specific competitive abilities and the availability of propagules. For epiphytic plants, current hypotheses consider that dispersal‐related factors are most ...
Wasp florivory decreases reproductive success in an epiphytic bromeliad
Flower predation or florivory may alter the sexual expression, floral display, and reduce the reproductive success in plants. In this article, we estimated the effect of florivory on the reproductive success of the epiphytic ...
Sistemas reproductivos en bromelias epífitas del género Werauhia J.R. Grant (Bromeliaceae: Tillandsioideae): aseguramiento reproductivo y mecanismos de coexistencia reproductiva
La auto-fertilización es un cambio evolutivo en los sistemas reproductivos sexuales de las plantas con flores que conlleva el surgimiento de auto-compatibilidad y la capacidad de auto-polinización autónoma. Este fenómeno ...