Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 928
Implementación de procesos de anotación semántica de servicios WFS con ontologías de dominio
Currently WFS services are a source of information that is messy and unstructured. That is why there is a need for a information transformation for these services. Since the Internet is migrating towards the semantic ...
WS-contract establishment with QoS: An approach based on feature modeling
(World Scientific Publ Co Pte LtdSingaporeSingapura, 2008)
E-contracting with price configuration for Web services and QoS
The large amount of information in electronic contracts hampers their establishment due to high complexity. An approach inspired in Software Product Line (PL) and based on feature modelling was proposed to make this process ...
A framework for monitoring and runtime recovery of web service-based applications
(Insticc-inst Syst Technologies Information Control & Communication, 2008-01-01)
Service provisioning is a challenging research area for the design and implementation of autonomic service-oriented software systems. It includes automated QoS management for such systems and their applications. Monitoring, ...
Um web crawler focado no rastreamento e catalogação de web feature Services (WFS) e web map services (WMS)A web crawler focused on tracking and catalogingwWeb resource services (WFS) and web map services (WMS)
(Universidade Federal de ViçosaCiência da Computação, 2023)
Evolução arquitetural de um web service: transformação de código e avaliação de arquitetura
(Universidade Federal de PernambucoUFPEBrasilPrograma de Pos Graduacao em Ciencia da Computacao, 2016)
Publicación en la Internet de la cartografía base de la provincia del Cañar mediante un servidor de mapas
(Universidad del Azuay, 2013)
RESTful service composition at a glance: A survey
(Academic Press Ltd - Elsevier Science Ltd, 2016-01)
In the last years, Web Service composition has undoubtedly become the most promising way to integrate business-to-business applications. However, the industry and the academia often disagree on materializing current ...
Discovering web services in social web service repositories using deep variational autoencoders
(Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, 2020-07)
Web Service registries have progressively evolved to social networks-like software repositories. Users cooperate to produce an ever-growing, rich source of Web APIs upon which new value-added Web applications can be built. ...