Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 102
Implementation of the wavelet HAAR to reconstruct the function f (t) = t On the range [-3.3] different degrees of resolutionAplicación de la wavelet haar para reconstruir la función f(t)=t sobre el intervalo [-3,3] en diferentes grados de resolución
(Pereira : Universidad Tecnológica de PereiraFacultad de Ciencias Básicas, 2011)
Robust Audio Watermaking Using Haar TransformMétodo Robusto de Marca de Agua para Audio con Trasformada Haar
(Computación y Sistemas, 2009)
Herramienta de Análisis Espectral
In this work is presented a software about the times series. The software is used for getting time series´s spectrum with three different, the discrete Fourier Transform, the discrete Hartley transform and Maxim Entropy, ...
Denoising resistivity phosphate “disturbances” using haar mother wavelet transform (sidi chennane, morocco)
Wavelet transforms originated in geophysics in the early 1980s for the analysis of seismic signals. Since then, significant mathematical advances in wavelet theory have enabled a suite of applications in diverse fields. ...
Filtragem não-local do ruído Speckle em imagens SAR com modelagem estatística dos coeficientes da Wavelet de Haar e distâncias estocásticas
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação - PPGCCCâmpus São Carlos, 2018-06-04)
Due to the coherent processing of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems, multiplicative
speckle noise arises providing a granular appearance in SAR images. This kind of noise
makes it difficult to analyse and interpret ...