Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 4482
Evaluación del trabajo de adhesión termodinámico en placas de acero AISI 4140 y pistas de rodamiento utilizando adhesivos anaeróbicosAssesment of thermodynamic adhesion work on AISI 4140 steel plates and rolling bearing liners with anaerobic adhesives
(Universidad de Antioquia, Facultad de IngenieríaGrupo de ColoidesMedellín, Antioquia, 2022)
Adhesion characteristics between keratin fibers and unsaturated polyester
This work presents the methods and results employed to find the adhesion characteristics between keratin fibers and unsaturated polyester as matrix material. The fibers were conditioned prior to testing using four different ...
Características de adhesión entre fibras de queratina y poliéster insaturado
This work presents the methods and results employed to find the adhesion characteristics between keratin fibers and unsaturated polyester as matrix material. The fibers were conditioned prior to testing using four different ...
Adhesión posclareamiento y efecto de la aplicación de antioxidantes
(Ateneo argentino de odontología, 2018)
Con el avance en las técnicas de blanqueamiento
dental, el advenimiento de nuevos biomateriales
capaces de lograr resultados estéticos aceptables
por los pacientes; sabiendo que en la operatoria
dental muchos autores ...
Influence of Growth Media and Temperature on Bacterial Adhesion to Polystyrene Surfaces
Bacterial adhesion to inert surfaces is a complex process influenced by environmental conditions. In this work, the influence of growth medium and temperature on the adhesion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia marcescens, ...
Influence of growth media and temperature on bacterial adhesion to polystyrene surfaces
(Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 2012)
Bacterial adhesion to inert surfaces is a complex process influenced by environmental conditions. In this work, the influence of growth medium and temperature on the adhesion of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia marcescens, ...
Work of adhesion of dairy products on stainless steel surface
(Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 2017)
Adhesión en odontopediatría
(Universidad de Guayaquil. Facultad Piloto de Odontología, 2020-10)
Introducción: La presente investigación aporta de manera significativa en la práctica odontológica, ya que en el área de odontopediatría es importante conocer las diferentes técnicas de adhesión existentes para poder elegir ...
(, 2013)
FIBER POST ADHESION WITH SELF-ADHESIVE CEMENTS - SECOND PHASE- The glass fiber post are retentive system to see the lost structure in endodontic treated teeth. The permanence of posts depends the adhesion-retention ...