Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 220
América latina: as coisas para além delas mesmas
If Plato compared the artist's work a reflection of the things, the contemporary art transcends the projection of things beyond themselves by creating unusual pictures, requiring the reader a posture of meanings' digger ...
Gráfica Internete
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2019-02-27)
This research is a speculation around a print shop of products and services, presented from a printed publication, which appears to have been generated by a corruption of the its own website. The publication, entitled ...
Diurnal feeding behaviour of crab-eating raccoon upon a paradoxal frog, with a review of its dietAlimentación diurna del mapache cangrejero sobre una rana paradoxal, con una revisión de su dieta
The crab-eating raccoon (Procyon cancrivorus) is considered one of the less-studied Neotropical carnivores. Observations about its behavior are difficult as it is mainly nocturnal, shy, and inconspicuous. This species is ...
Visual control of locomotion in people with Parkinson's disease
Vision is intricately linked with action and plays an essential role in guiding safe locomotion in humans. However, vision can influence locomotion of people with Parkinson's disease (PD) in two distinct manners. While ...
Lenguaje visual como herramienta para el análisis de pinturas de artistas con patologías mentales y enfermedades neurodegenerativas
(Universidad del RosarioFonoaudiologíaFacultad de Rehabilitación y Desarrollo Humano, 2019)
Art seeks to be a connection between communication and expression and who observes it, that is, the spectator. Therefore, they can be reflected through this the mental faculties that allow to express opinions, thoughts and ...
El terremoto en las artes visuales chilenas, 1960-2010 : representación y estudio de su problematización visual desde la práctica artísticaThe earthquake in the Chilean visual arts, 1960-2010: representation and study of its visual problematization from the artistic practice
Esta investigación teórico-práctica se concentra en el fenómeno del terremoto en Chile desde el campo de las artes visuales. Se inscribe en un marco histórico que va desde 1960 hasta 2010; es decir, tomando como referencia ...
Roles of design processes models as didactic materials
We argue that visual representations of design processes contribute toward social and material practices of design(ing). They are used as didactic devices. We will discuss them using metaphors to illustrate that they are ...