Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 8997
The vegetation of Chile and the EcoVeg approach in the context of the International Vegetation Classification project
(Pensoft Publishers, 2022)
Copyright Federico Luebert, Patricio Pliscoff.Aims: Chilean vegetation has previously received considerable attention, and several classifications are currently available. The most recent of these was presented for the ...
Increasing nutritious vegetable production with improved practices
Measuring land surface temperature, near-infrared and short-wave infrared reflectance for estimation of water availability in vegetation
(Elsevier, 2021-01)
The vegetation water status is a crucial variable for modelling of drought impact, vegetation productivity and water fluxes. Methods for spatial estimation of this variable still need to be improved. The integration of ...
Microbiological quality of ready-to-eat minimally processed vegetables consumed in Brazil
Minimally processed leafy vegetables are ready-to-eat (RTE) products very attractive to consumers looking for healthy and convenient meals. However, the microbiological safety of these foods is of special concern due to ...
An assessment of the implementation and outcomes of recent farmer field schools to improve vegetable production in Trinidad and Tobago
(Journal of international Agricultural Education and Extension, 2009)
Efeito materno na determinação do tamanho da semente do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
(Universidade Federal de LavrasPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Genética e Melhoramento de PlantasUFLAbrasilDepartamento de Biologia, 2019)
Improving the discrimination of vegetation and landform patterns in sandy rangelands: A synergistic approach
(Taylor & Francis, 2009-05)
Soil erosion is a key factor in land degradation processes in the sandy rangelands of the Peninsula Valdes of Patagonia, Argentina. Mapping landform and vegetation patterns is important for improving prediction, monitoring ...
Homogeneous zones of vegetation index for characterizing variability and site-specific management in vineyards
(Univ Sao Paolo, 2021-01-01)
Characterization of the spatial variability of vegetative vigor in vineyards can help improve the performance of site-specific management practices, or the management of vineyards with different rates. Characterization ...
Spatial and temporal changes in vegetation conditions in Paulist interior
(Univ Federal Mato Grosso, 2019-09-01)
There is an increasing demand to better understand the dynamics of the vegetation conditions over time as a result of the improvement of remote sensing techniques. Yhis study aimed to analyse the spatio-temporal behavior ...