Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1217
Electrified Water: Liquid, Vapor And Aerosol
(Soc Brasileira QuimicaSão Paulo, 2016)
On the Internal Gas Dynamics and Efficiency of a Vortex Water-Vapor Plasma Generator
Results of experimental investigations of a new-type generator of an arc water plasma, having a high thermal efficiency close to 100%, are presented. This generator represents a system comprising a vortex arc plasma ...
Supramolecular architecture and electrical properties of a perylene derivative in physical vapor deposited films
The supramolecular structure of organic thin films is a key factor in their optical and electrical properties and, consequently, in the technological applications involving organic electronic. Here, thin films of a perylene ...
Structural and electrical properties of strontium barium niobate thin films crystallized by conventional furnace and rapid-thermal annealing process
Strontium barium niobate (SBN) thin films were crystallized by conventional electric furnace annealing and by rapid-thermal annealing (RTA) at different temperatures. The average grain size of films was 70 nm and thickness ...
Structural and electrical properties of strontium barium niobate thin films crystallized by conventional furnace and rapid-thermal annealing process
Strontium barium niobate (SBN) thin films were crystallized by conventional electric furnace annealing and by rapid-thermal annealing (RTA) at different temperatures. The average grain size of films was 70 nm and thickness ...
Metodologia orientativa para concepção de instalações elétricas em ambientes com presença de atmosfera potencialmente explosiva (gases e vapores)
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCuritibaDepartamento Acadêmico de Eletrotécnica, 2012-10-16)
This essay presents a methodology that can be a guide line to a professional willing
to work in such industries where the electrical installations require special protective equipment due to the present environment either ...
Estudo comparativo de eficiência entre lâmpadas a vapor de sódio em alta pressão e LED
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáCampo MouraoBrasilDepartamento Acadêmico de Construção CivilEngenharia CivilUTFPR, 2017-06-20)
This paper was developed having as object of study the street lighting of Peabiru, placed on Paraná. It aims to compare and evaluate the luminous efficiency of high pressure sodium-vapor lamps and LED’s. The evaluations ...