Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1178
Multiphase model based on K-means and ant colony optimization to solve the capacitated vehicle routing problem with time windows
(Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH, 2022-01-01)
The delivery of products on time while reducing transportation costs has become an issue for retail companies in Latin America due to the rise of the e-commerce market in recent years. The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) is ...
Adaptive memory programming for the vehicle routing problem with multiple trip
(UR. FI – INCO., 2004)
The Vehicle Routing Problem with Multiple Trips is an extension of the classical Vehicle Routing Problem in which each vehicle may perform several routes in the same planning period. In this paper, an adaptive memory ...
Capacited Vehicle Routing Problem with CO2 Emission Minimization Considering Path Slopes
(Sociedade Brasileira de Matemática Aplicada e Computacional - SBMAC, 2022-09-05)
This work presents the application of a CO2 emission estimation function for cargo vehicles on a Capacited Vehicle Routing Problems (CVRP) setting, considering route’s slopes variation. Comparisons were established with ...
Split delivery vehicle routing problem : heuristic based algorithms
(UR. FI – INCO., 2007)
The Split Delivery Vehicle Routing Problem is a relaxation of the classical problem of combinatorial optimization Vehicle Routing Problem, where the restriction that each customer must be visited only once by a single ...
Green open location-routing problem considering economic and environmental costs
This paper introduces a new bi-objective vehicle routing problem that integrates the Open Location Routing Problem (OLRP), recently presented in the literature, coupled with the growing need for fuel consumption minimization, ...
Construction of an Optimal Solution for a Real-World Routing-Scheduling-Loading Problem
(Revista Computación y Sistemas; Vol. 13 No.4, 2010-04-14)
Abstract. This work presents an exact method for the Routing-Loading-Scheduling Problem (RoSLoP). The objective of RoSLoP consists of optimizing the delivery process of bottled products in a company study case. RoSLoP, ...
Solving the assignment of customers to trucks and visit days in a periodic routing real-world case1
(Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, 2018-01-01)
Introduction: This work proposes a model and two heuristic algorithms to assign customers to trucks and visit days as a first phase in the solution of a real-world routing problem, which is closely related to the PVRP ...