Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 233
Traditional high-rise unreinforced masonry buildings: modeling and influence of floor system stiffening on their overall seismic response
This paper summarizes a study whose primary objectives were to develop a model for nonlinear static analysis of unreinforced masonry (URM) buildings, considering the flexibility of the floor system and analyzing the influence ...
Dimensionamento de um pavimento misto aço-concreto com aberturas na alma das vigas
(Universidade Federal de Santa MariaBrasilUFSMCentro de Tecnologia, 2020-08-20)
This study presents the design of a steel-concrete composite floor with beams with holes in the web. The work starts from a bibliographic review that introduces the elements of a composite floor, highlighting its constructive ...
Análise experimental e numérica de ligações viga mista-pilar com cantoneiras de alma e assento – pavimento tipo e ligações isoladas
(São Carlos, 2012)
Este trabalho apresenta um amplo programa experimental de ligações viga mista-pilar com cantoneiras de alma
e assento, incluindo protótipos isolados e ligações inseridas num pavimento tipo de laje pré-moldada com vigotas ...
La evolución de los suelos de Cuba durante el Cuaternario
Se muestra la gran diversidad de los suelos de Cuba, donde pueden encontrarse suelos típicos de los trópicos húmedos (Acrisoles y Ferralsoles) hasta suelos semejantes a los de las estepas secas (Kastanoziomes), no concordantes ...
Use of convolutional networks in the conceptual structural design of shear wall buildings layout
In the structural design of shear wall buildings, the initial process requires the interaction between the architecture and engineering teams to define the appropriate distribution of the walls, a stage typically carried ...
Modelling and evaluation of the seismic capacity of typical brick URM buildings of the historical center of Cuenca - Ecuador
(IOP Publishing, 2021)
The Historic Center of Cuenca (HCC) is located in the southern region of Ecuador. It
is well known that our country is located on the so-called belt of fire of the Pacific Ocean, this
area is characterized by having generated ...
Potencial de radônio no ar de ambientes interiores residenciais: aspectos geológicos e construtivos da Região Metropolitana de Belo Horizonte
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisUFMG, 2017-11-20)
International regulatory bodies have been presented orientation that countries shall to identify susceptible areas to radon and investigate the building features that may contribute to increased exposure of the inhabitants. ...
Análise da distribuição das vigas mistas de aço e concreto em um pavimento típico
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilENG - DEPARTAMENTO DE ENGENHARIA ESTRUTURASCurso de Especialização em Análise e Dimensionamento de Estruturas de Concreto Armado e AçoUFMG, 2021-08-10)
The economic and technical-scientific development in civil construction has led to the emergence of various construction and structural systems over time, among them the system formed by composite elements of steel-concrete, ...
Typical Street Tobago, B.W.I.
(Muir, Marshall and Co., Trinidad, 2010-02-22)
This photograph gives us a hint of what a residential street looked like in Tobago, British West Indies. Large houses flank the street which is on an incline. Many of the houses are two-story and made of concrete and wood ...
Analysis of instant and long-term performance of timber-concrete floors with boundary conditions other than simply supported
This paper describes an analytical procedure for designing timber-concrete composites (TCC) subjected to boundary conditions other than simply supported. Currently available investigations of TCCs are mainly focused on ...