Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 555
Fitotoxicidad del material particulado sedimentable (MPS) generado en la zona urbana del cantón Cuenca
In this work the phytotoxicity of Sedimentable Particulate Material (acronym in spanish: MPS) generated in the urban area of canton Cuenca was determined by bioassay, determining if the MPS concentration is so abundant and ...
Determinación toxicológica y biosorción de aluminio en aguas residuales de la industria cerámica
The study is to show the alternative of removing aluminum and the toxicity generated in two biomodels such as Lactuca Sativa and Artemia Salina using sugarcane husks. It founded a 48% aluminum remotion using sugarcane husks ...
(Facultad de Ciencias Agrícolas, 2015)
Biofármacos no Brasil : características, importância e delineamento de políticas públicas para seu desenvolvimentoTexto para Discussão (TD) 2398 : Biofármacos no Brasil : características, importância e delineamento de políticas públicas para seu desenvolvimento
(Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea), 2018)
Caracterización de la toxicidad de los residuales líquidos de una industria de lácteos de la ciudad de Cuenca, utilizando biomodelos ecotoxicológicos
The dairy industry generates significant amounts of liquid waste, these waters are mainly composed of organic materials resulting from the processing of raw materials and chemicals that are used in the hygienic and medical ...
Biorremoção do corante acid blue 29, usando serragem (Pinus sp.) como biossorvente
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP), 2015)
Bioensayo toxicológico de paracetamol y remoción utilizando biosorción con bagazo de caña y membranas
This work studies new technologies for the removal of paracetamol from aqueous solutions and the toxicity on the seeds of Lactuca Sativa. Sugar cane bagasse was used for column biosorption, and a 93.05% removal was found. ...