Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2534
Determinants of argentinean tourism demand in Uruguay
(UR.FCEA-IE, 2014)
In Uruguay total yearly tourists represent about 90% of its population of which historically 60% or more have come from Argentina. Tourist activities have a great impact on Uruguayan economy. They represent about 4% of ...
Determinants of inbound tourism revenues in Peru: evidence from a crisis period
(Conscientia BeamUS, 2022-04-21)
The strand of the tourism literature focusing on emerging markets is relatively scarce. However, the increasing importance of tourism activity in emerging economies in the last years is moving the academic attention to ...
Determinants of inbound tourism revenues in Peru: evidence from a crisis period
(Conscientia BeamUS, 2022-04-21)
The strand of the tourism literature focusing on emerging markets is relatively scarce. However, the increasing importance of tourism activity in emerging economies in the last years is moving the academic attention to ...
Efectos de tasas de cambio respecto al turismo receptivo por motivo de vacaciones, recreación y ocio en Colombia
(Universidad de La SabanaEconomía y Finanzas InternacionalesEscuela Internacional de Ciencias Económicas y Administrativas, 2018)
Este artículo investiga los efectos de seis principales tasas de cambio nominales y reales en la llegada de turistas residentes en el exterior a Colombia por motivo de vacaciones, recreación y ocio para el periodo 2012 a ...