Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 170
The option value of government guarantees in infrastructure projects
The participation of private capital in public infrastructure investment projects has been sought by many governments who perceive this as a way to overcome budgetary constraints and foster economic growth. For some types ...
Negative prices in network pricing games
(Elsevier, 2022)
In a Stackelberg network pricing game a leader sets prices for a given subset of edges so as to maximize profit, after which one or multiple followers choose a shortest path. Our main result shows that the profit when ...
Levantamento da opinião pública sobre a qualidade das estradas e o sistema de cobrança por pedágios
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáMedianeiraBrasilEngenharia de ProduçãoUTFPR, 2015-06-12)
With the scenario increasingly globalized and competitive every detail that could be improved to become a gap in the market has become extremely important in the challenge to remain competitive. Logistics too often has ...
Effect of advanced traveler information systems and road pricing in a network with non-recurrent congestion
The effect of the application of advanced transport information system (ATIS) and road pricing is studied in a transportation system under non-recurrent congestion. A stochastic network deterministic user equilibrium model ...
Otimização da fila nas praças de pedágio através da mudança na configuração das quantidades de cabines
(Universidade Tecnológica Federal do ParanáPonta GrossaBrasilDepartamento Acadêmico de Engenharia de ProduçãoEngenharia de ProduçãoUTFPR, 2019-11-22)
It’s normal to identify the formation of big tolls lines located on the roads that have a high vehicles flow. Queue formation occurs when the service offered isn’t able to meet demand. This problem becomes even more serious ...
The Road to Sustainability: Economic, Social, and Environmental Dynamics in Toll Road PPPs
(Universidad de los AndesDoctorado en IngenieríaFacultad de Ingeniería, 2022-10-10)
Several countries have embraced Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) for reducing fiscal pressure on governments, allowing them to leverage on private sector¿s efficiencies by transferring finance, build, maintenance, and ...
Sistema de control de peajes
(Universidad Nacional (Costa Rica), 2001)
Entre los años de 1960 hasta 1986 el Ministerio de Hacienda tuvo a cargo la actividad de cobro de tasa de peaje, 1987 pasa a manos del Ministerio de Obras Públicas y Transportes mediante el Consejo de Seguridad Vial y a ...
Pedágio: alternativa gratuita e direito de ir e vir (uma necessária correção)
(Editora Fórum e Editora FGV, 2010)