Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 141
Factores biológicos y socio familiares en el adulto mayor con síndrome de fragilidad, parroquia Totoracocha 2015- 2016
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2017-11-11)
Objectives: To determine the frequency of the syndrome of fragility and the relation of biological and social – family factors on senior citizens with syndrome of fragility of the Totoracocha parish who come to the Health ...
Calidad de vida y funcionalidad familiar en el adulto mayor de la parroquia Gguaraynag, Azuay. 2015-2016
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2017-11-11)
Objective: Determine the relationship between quality of life of the elderly, family functionality and sociodemographic factors. Also, to determine the family's perception of the quality of life of the elderly.
Methodology: ...
Satisfacción de las familias atendidas por los posgradistas de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria, provincia de Santa Elena, año 2018.
(Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil, 2019)
Prevalencia y factores asociados al inicio de vida sexual activa en adolescentes de la parroquia Hermano Miguel, Cuenca, 2018
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2019-11-11)
Introduction: The beginning of sexual life is a transcendental event; The response is more frequent in adolescents, the risk of unwanted pregnancies and STIs (sexually transmitted infections).
Objective: to identify the ...
Satisfacción de la población atendida por los posgradistas de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria del Centro de Salud Primavera 2. Año 2021.
(Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil, 2022)
Prevalencia y factores asociados a depresión posparto en el Hospital Darío Machuca Palacios del Cantón La Troncal, 2017- 2018
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2019-04-04)
Background: postpartum depression is a pathology that occurs during pregnancy and puerperium, with repercussions on the mother, the newborn and their family.
General objective: to determine the prevalence of postpartum ...
Enfermedad Incurable y su Impacto en la Familia, Cuenca 2017
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2019-11-11)
Introduction: Family care is conceptualized as union, association, respect and dignity. Families of terminally ill patients play an essential role with communication and decision making to provide vital support to their ...
Factores asociados a la práctica de lactancia materna exclusiva en el Hospital Mariano Estrella Cuenca 2018
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2019-04-11)
Introduction: Exclusive breastfeeding (EB) benefits the health of the mother and the infant in the short and long term, being the most appropriate option for feeding the infants.
Objective: To identify factors of the ...
Factores asociados a prediabetes en adultos el Centro de Salud B Mariano Estrella, 2018
(Universidad de Cuenca, 2019-04-04)
Background: Prediabetes represents a pre-morbid, reversible stage, which is why its diagnosis is essential.
Objective: to determine the factors associated with prediabetes in adults in the area of influence of the B ...
Depresión y abandono familiar del adulto mayor. Consultorios de Medicina Familiar y Comunitaria del Centro de Salud Primavera 2. Año 2021
(Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil, 2022)