Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 99
Ressonância tecnocultural: rastros da ambiência contemporânea nas sonoridades dos jogos digitais
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2020-07-22)
The research seeks to entangle the aesthetics of digital games, in particular their audible expressions, with an emerging technocultural environment that shapes them. We claim that each technoculture produces what we are ...
Ressonância tecnocultural: rastros da ambiência contemporânea nas sonoridades dos jogos digitais
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2020-07-22)
The research seeks to entangle the aesthetics of digital games, in particular their audible expressions, with an emerging technocultural environment that shapes them. We claim that each technoculture produces what we are ...
A cidade-jogo em videogames: uma flânerie por Bioshock Infinity e Assassin’s Creed: Unity
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2020-03-02)
This thesis has as object of research video games that have an audiovisual city as the main theme of its construction. These are environments made up of audiovisual images with temporal and spatial montages (MANOVICH, 2014; ...
A cidade-jogo em videogames: uma flânerie por Bioshock Infinity e Assassin’s Creed: Unity
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2020-03-02)
This thesis has as object of research video games that have an audiovisual city as the main theme of its construction. These are environments made up of audiovisual images with temporal and spatial montages (MANOVICH, 2014; ...
Semiótica de la percepción y cognición del film 3D
(Federación Latinoamericana de Semiótica (FELS), 2015)
Investigación Sociosemiótica de protocolos perceptivos y cognitivos en recepción del film
3D de usuarios adolescentes en el Museo Interactivo Mirador. Las fases fueron: encuesta, ver films
simple/complejo, dibujo libre, ...
La ciudad, lugar de identidad geográfica y culturalThe city, place of geographical and cultural identity
(SABER ULAVenezuela, 2009)
Antologias audiovisualizadas na série Ela Quer Tudo de Spike Lee na Netflix
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2021-04-14)
This work seeks to understant how the series She’s Gotta Have It (2017 - 2019), by Spike Lee, on Netflix, actualizes the audiovisual anthologies, that is, an audiovisuality that reflects the anthological property present ...
Antologias audiovisualizadas na série Ela Quer Tudo de Spike Lee na Netflix
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2021-04-14)
This work seeks to understant how the series She’s Gotta Have It (2017 - 2019), by Spike Lee, on Netflix, actualizes the audiovisual anthologies, that is, an audiovisuality that reflects the anthological property present ...
Imagens da memória tecno-socializada: o orkut como espaço de territorialização simbólica
(Universidade Federal de Juiz de ForaBrasilFaculdade de Comunicação SocialPrograma de Pós-graduação em ComunicaçãoUFJF, 2016)