Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 21
Induction of teachers in the English-speaking Caribbean
(IGI Global, 2016)
Teachers' professional growth: Examining the effect of teacher maturity on LOC orientation
(School of Education, UWI, St. Augustine, 2008)
This research compared the professional growth of Jamaican teachers with those in the United States and Israel. The high correlation (r = 0.845) between age and length of service allowed for two studies to be replicated; ...
Professores excelentes: Convergências, tensões e desafios nas políticas de formação e carreira docente na contemporaneidade
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2019-03-11)
This thesis presents the convergences, the challenges, and the tensions in the educational policies aimed at teacher training and career in contemporaneity. The research was supported by documents of the World Bank in order ...
Professores excelentes: Convergências, tensões e desafios nas políticas de formação e carreira docente na contemporaneidade
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2019-03-11)
This thesis presents the convergences, the challenges, and the tensions in the educational policies aimed at teacher training and career in contemporaneity. The research was supported by documents of the World Bank in order ...
A factor analytic study of subject choice among a sixth form sample of Jamaican students, with particular reference to the natural sciences
(School of Education, UWI, St. Augustine, 2008)
This study aims to explore the underlying factor structure among the variables associated with subject choice-sciences or non-sciences-in a selected group of sixth form students in traditional high schools in Jamaica. ...
The Nicaraguan Curriculum for Teaching Early Grades ReadingEl Currículo nicaragüense para la enseñanza de la lectura en la modalidad multigrado
(Instituto Superior de Formación Docente Salomé Ureña (ISFODOSU), 2020)
O tao do Prelac e as recomendações para políticas educacionais de ensino médio integrado à educação profissional e tecnológica – 2002 A 2017
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2021-06-17)
This thesis addresses international education policy and international organizations, focusing on the Regional Education Project for Latin America and the Caribbean (Prelac). As a central issue, it seeks to know which ...
O tao do Prelac e as recomendações para políticas educacionais de ensino médio integrado à educação profissional e tecnológica – 2002 A 2017
(Universidade do Vale do Rio dos Sinos, 2021-06-17)
This thesis addresses international education policy and international organizations, focusing on the Regional Education Project for Latin America and the Caribbean (Prelac). As a central issue, it seeks to know which ...
Elements that characterize the URACCAN Intercultural Community Academic ModelElementos que caracterizan el Modelo Académico comunitario Intercultural de URACCAN
(Universidad de las Regiones Autónomas de la Costa Caribe Nicaragüense, 2023)
Repercusión del taller preventivo "Que el sida no decida", en estudiantes de educación secundaria en Lima
(Universidad Femenina del Sagrado CorazónPE, 2015)
La presente investigación que lleva por título repercusión del taller preventivo “Que el sida no decida”, en estudiantes de educación secundaria en Lima. Tuvo como objetivo conocer el nivel de información sobre el VIH- ...