Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 12428
Depreciaciones del activo fijo tangible
Tangible fixed assets are those properties and goods that have corporeal substance
and therefore can be felt, with their own characteristics such as permanent service,
durable life and unavailability for sale.
Rol de la disposición a la tecnología en la valoración de elementos tangibles y no tangibles de servicios posventa
(Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, 2019)
Los recursos tecnológicos en los estudiantes del IX semestre de la Carrera Profesional de Educación Física de la EESPP “José Jiménez Borja” Tacna, 2022
(Escuela de Educación Superior Pedagógica Pública José Jiménez BorjaPE, 2023)
Modelo de especificação de interfaces tangíveis de mesa - TTUI-SM
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Computação - PPGCC, 2012-09-19)
In the scenario of computational interfaces development, researches efforts aim to offer new ways of interaction that are closer to the natural way which humans interact with the real world. Amongst the diversity of ...