Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 855
Design and application of a data warehouse to provide tourism information of Ecuador for travel agencies, during the first term of 2009
(QUITO / ESPE-IDIOMAS / 2009, 2009)
Nowadays, the update and easy access of any kind of data is really important in the development of all work area; that is the reason why almost all the years the automation of information is growing in multiples ways.
No ...
The Internet Marketing of Emerging Local Muslim Tourist Destination in Banyuwangi, Indonesia
(Universidad del Zulia, 2020)
Asian academic research in tourism with an international impact: A bibliometric analysis of the main academic contributions
(Springer Verlag, 2018)
Asian academic research in tourism is a very recent field of research, which has significantly developed over the last decade due to the strong expansion of the tourism industry worldwide, and also owing to the strong ...
(Universidad de San Andrés. Escuela de Administración y Negocios, 2017)
Plan de marketing : Localive, plataforma de turismo P2P
(Universidad de San Andrés. Escuela de Negocios, 2016)
Entre la fe y turismo. Competitividad turística religiosa. El caso de San Juan de los Lagos, México.Between faith and tourism. Religious tourist competitiveness. The case of San Juan de Los Lagos, México
(Escuela Universitaria de Turismo de Murcia, 2020)