Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 2285
The impact of top-down policy changes on socioeconomic status of Orang Asli
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Implementation of top-down and bottom-up strategies to improve listening comprehension in a first year high school class in Liceo Marta Donoso Espejo, Talca
(Universidad Católica del Maule, Facultad de Ciencias de la Educación, 2017)
Análisis del proceso de implementación de la política pública de juventud desde el enfoque top-down en el municipio de El Carmen de Viboral (2015-2019)
(Universidad EAFITMaestría en Gobierno y Políticas PúblicasEscuela de HumanidadesMedellín, 2021)
This research seeks to analyze the Public Policy for Youth implementation at El Carmen de Viboral (2015-2019) under a top-down design approach. To this effect, the main antecedents of the mentioned instrument are presented; ...
Aplicación y comparación de la metodología de diseño Top Down y Bottom Up
(Universidad EAFITIngeniería de ProducciónEscuela de Ingeniería. Departamento de Ingeniería de Producción, 2009)
Este proyecto estudia y compara las metodologías Bottom Up y Top Down, utilizadas en el desarrollo de productos dentro de un departamento de manufactura en un ambiente colaborativo -- Se ...
A top-down view of the classical limit of quantum mechanics
(World Scientific, 2016)
At present there is a consensus about the fact that the emergence of the classical world from the underlying quantum reality involves the physical phenomenon of decoherence, which is usually studied in the version proposed ...
Elementos da accountability na gestão pública recente da educação em Alagoas: o estabelecimento de metas nos modelos bottom up e top down
(Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF)BrasilFaculdade de EducaçãoUFJF, 2021)
Physical stress modifies top-down and bottom-up forcing on plant growth and reproduction in a coastal ecosystem
(Ecological Society of America, 2015-08)
Bottom-up and top-down effects act together to exert strong control over plant growth and reproduction, but how physical stress modifies those interactive forces remains unclear. Even though empirical evidence is scarce, ...
Is top-down control by predators driving insect abundance and herbivory rates in fragmented forests?
The effects of forest fragmentation on ecological interactions and particularly on food webs have scarcely been analysed. There is usually less herbivory in forest fragments than in continuous forests. Here we hypothesize ...
A jornada de um compositor: do bottom-up ao top-down
It presents the development of the author's compositional practice in the form
of composition memoirs. The main objective is to report the displacement of the
author’s creative making, which was more focused on the ...