Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 600
Supervisión: residencia en obra y procesos constructivos en villa california
(Universidad de Sonora, 2014)
Characterization of the corrosion behavior of sintered parts obtained by powder metallurgy with different manganese sulfide concentrations
(Associa????o Brasileira de Corros??o - ABRACO, 2022)
A Gift For The US Band
(Barbados Advocate, 18-Nov-61)
The Trinidad and Tobago Steel Orchestras Association presented the 10th U.S Naval District Steel Orchestra with a plaque as a gesture of appreciation at the steelband jamboree held at the U.S Naval Station at Chaguaramas. ...
Flows in the solar atmosphere due to the eruptions on the 15th July, 2002
(EDP Sciences, 2005-12)
Which kind of flows are present during flares? Are they compatible with the present understanding of energy release and which model best describes the observations? We analyze successive flare events in order to answer ...
Au/Ga2O3 photocatalysts for methane conversion coupling with hydrogen evolution from water
(Aptor Software, 2022)
Reduced neural observers for a class of MIMO discrete-time nonlinear system
A nonlinear discrete-time reduced order neural observer for the state estimation of a discrete-time unknown nonlinear system, in presence of external and internal uncertainties is presented. The observer is based on a ...
Efecto de aplicación de diferentes dosis de trichoderma harzyanun sobre el crecimiento de palto ( persea americana mill) var. topa topa en vivero bajo condiciones de lunahuanà
(Universidad Nacional José Faustino Sánchez Carrión, 2011)
El ensayo experimental se realizó en el distrito de Lunahuaná, en el vivero ARONA, ubicado en el Km 43.5 de la carretera de Cañete a Yauyos; Con Latitud 12°53'36, Longitud 76°08'04 y con altura de 479 m.s.n.m, provincia ...