Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 778
Porcine model of neurocysticercosis by intracarotid injection of Taenia solium oncospheres: Dose assessment, infection outcomes and serological responses
(Public Library of Science, 2022)
BACKGROUND: Neurocysticercosis (NCC) is the infection of the human central nervous system (CNS) by Taenia solium larvae that cause significant neurological morbidity. Studies on NCC pathophysiology, host-parasite interactions ...
Bone marrow cells of swine: collection and separation
(Wiley-BlackwellHoboken, 2012)
Bone marrow is a source of stem cells for greater and easier access, which is widely studied as a provider of hematopoietic and mesenchymal cells for various purposes, mainly therapeutic by the advances in research involving ...
Experimental porcine cysticercosis using infected beetles with Taenia solium eggs
(Elsevier, 2018)
Beetles are intermediate hosts for human and animal parasites, and several beetle species have been shown to carry Taenia eggs. An experimental porcine cysticercosis infection model was developed using beetles (Ammophorus ...
The role of offspring genotype-by-sex interactions, independently of environmental cues, on the phenotype traits of an obese swine model
The present study aimed to assess the importance of offspring genotype on postnatal development, independently of confounding factors related to prenatal environment and postnatal lifestyle, using a translational model of ...
Viabilidad económica de la utilización de biogás para la conversión en energía eléctrica
The economic viability of the electrical power generation using biogas from swine wastes, was determined. The analyzed biodigester is a continuous tubular model with brick concrete duct and plastic covering with a gasometer, ...
Viabilidad económica de la utilización de biogás para la conversión en energía eléctrica
The economic viability of the electrical power generation using biogas from swine wastes, was determined. The analyzed biodigester is a continuous tubular model with brick concrete duct and plastic covering with a gasometer, ...
Development of isolated swine "working heart model" with parabiotic circulation
(Soc Brasil Cirurgia CardiovascSao Paulo SpBrasil, 2008)
Estimation Of The Risk Associated To Marketing Of Swine Meat Contaminated With Salmonella Spp., Employing The William T. Fine Method
(Elsevier Science BVAmsterdam, 2016)