Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 68
Dinamia de pastoral juvenil y proceso de aprendizaje académico. ¿Un posible diálogo?, Is it possible to bring together pastoral youth service with the academic learning process?Is it possible to bring together pastoral youth service with the academic learning process?
(Universidad Politécnica Salesiana (Ecuador), 2013)
Mapping youth religiosity in Santiago de Chile: contributions to the theological and pastoral reflection on youth and transcendence
This dissertation aimed to generate new and more complex knowledge regarding youth religiosity in Santiago de Chile as a contribution to the theological and pastoral reflection on youth and transcendence. Following Van der ...
Dinamia de pastoral juvenil y proceso de aprendizaje académico
Is it possible a dialogue between the dynamics of youth ministry and academic learning process. As animated by the adult personnel of the school helps to guarantee a correct initiation or pedagogy of the proper imprint in ...
Informe de prácticas pastorales en el Colegio Maria Dolorosa Francisco Javier
(Universidad Católica de Pereira, 2010)
En este documento el lector encontrara el informe de práctica pastoral realizada en el Colegio María Dolorosa Francisco Javier de la ciudad de Pereira, en el periodo comprendido entre el 24 de marzo y el 26 de mayo del año ...
Environmental Education as a Means for Valuing and Conserving Camelids and Pastoralism in the Argentinean Altiplano of Jujuy
(Mountain Research & Development, 2020-11)
Andean pastoralism, like other pastoral systems around the world, is under stress due to climate change, land tenure regimes, pressures to become sedentary, difficulties in interacting with market-based economies, isolation, ...
Un diálogo constructivo entre la fe y la razón
(Universidad Catolica de Pereira, 2014-07-12)
El presente informe es el resultado de las prácticas pedagógicas adelantadas con los estudiantes de los grados noveno, décimo y undécimo de la institución educativa denominada “Liceo creativo”, ubicada en el barrio Belmonte ...
Pertinencia de la Formación Orientada en el Voluntariado Juvenil (Voljuvi) de la Parroquia San Francisco Javier de Cúcuta
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado Licenciatura en TeologíaFacultad de Educación, 2023-07-21)
An indispensable aspect in formation is the spiritual dimension, in respect for the divine and its interreligious confession of faith. This research work focused on strengthening the humanistic and vocational training ...