Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 1171
Reexamining Nonlinear Structural Equation Modeling Procedures: The Effect of Parallel and Congeneric Measures
(Taylor & Francis, 2015)
The current study examines the performance of the extended unconstrained approach (EXUC) and
the latent moderated structural equation modeling procedure (LMS) in situations where quadratic
and interaction terms are tested ...
The use of items and item parcels in nonlinear structural equation models
(Psychopen, 2020)
Nonlinear structural equation models within the frequentist framework were developed to work with continuous items. Applied researchers who usually work with Likert-type items choose between two strategies to estimate such ...
Análise de falha em materiais metálicos: uma abordagem complexa utilizando PLS-SEM
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosUFSCarCâmpus São CarlosEngenharia Mecânica - EMec, 2020-12-15)
Metallic materials may fail due to several reasons and at different ways. In general, it is common to be verified overload (ductile or fragile) or fatigue. These failures always let evidences that can explain their natures ...
Exploratory multigroup structural equation modeling approach to analyzing H. pylori infection, serological pepsinogen levels, and life style factors in an elderly population in Costa Rica.
(Universidad de Costa Rica. Centro Centroamericano de Población, 2022)
The influence of quality on satisfaction and customer loyalty with an importance-performance map analysis: Exploring the mediating role of trust
(Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., 2018)
A structural equation modeling of executive functions, IQ and mathematical skills in primary students: Differential effects on number production, mental calculus and arithmetical problems
(Psychology Press, 2016-07)
Though the relationship between executive functions (EFs) andmathematical skills has been well documented, little is knownabout how both EFs and IQ differentially support diverse mathdomains in primary students. Inconsistency ...
The technology effect, green consumption and age in propensity to collaborative consumption
Although several studies point to the emerging importance of technology in consumer habits, limited studies have quantitatively shown how these variables influence consumer intention. Given this gap, this study offers an ...
Modelo de lealtad a partir de un análisis de ecuaciones estructurales
(Universidad Santo TomásPregrado EstadísticaFacultad de Estadística, 2015)
For a company, the relationship with its customers has always been important; therefore, different studies have proposed patterns to describe this association. In this search, the use of statistical models that allow ...
An exploration of direct and indirect drivers of herbivore reproductive performance in arid and semi arid rangelands by means of structural equation models
(Elsevier, 2012-06)
Climate variability affects both animal and plant populations. Understanding how this variability is modulated by topography, vegetation and population densities and how this impact on ungulate demography is an important ...
Capítulo: Confirming Digital Marketing Model Innovation Design: SEM in Post-COVID Social Impact Startups, Mexico
(AMIDI.BibliotecaAMIDI.Biblioteca, 2021)