Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 188
Extração de vias combinando métodos de detecção de regiões e linhas em imagens de intensidade de pulso laser
This paper aims at extracting street centerlines from previously isolated street regions by using the image of laser scanning intensity. In this image, streets are easily identified, since they manifest as dark, elongate ...
Extração de vias combinando métodos de detecção de regiões e linhas em imagens de intensidade de pulso laser
This paper aims at extracting street centerlines from previously isolated street regions by using the image of laser scanning intensity. In this image, streets are easily identified, since they manifest as dark, elongate ...
Estimating the queue length at street intersections by using a movement feature space approach
(Institution of Engineering and Technology, 2014-07)
This study aims to estimate the traffic load at street intersections obtaining the circulating vehicle number through image processing and pattern recognition. The algorithm detects moving objects in a street view by using ...
Age and growth of the Leopard grouper, M. rosacea, (Streets, 1877) in the southern Gulf of California, Mexico
(Pacific Science, 2001)
Growth of the leopard grouper, Mycteroperca rosacea (Streets, 1877), was analyzed in its natural habitat. Age determination was based on the reading of otoliths, and the method was validated under three main criteria: (1) ...
Kinematic gait parameters for older adults with Parkinson's disease during street crossing simulation
Safe street crossing is important for older adults' social inclusion. We assessed gait kinematic adaptation under different simulated street crossing conditions in older adults with Parkinson's disease (PD) and made ...
STREET EXTRACTION COMBINING METHODS FOR REGION AND LINE DETECTION FROM LASER SCANNING INTENSITY IMAGESExtração de vias combinando métodos de detecção de regiões e linhas em imagens de intensidade de pulso laser
(Instituto de Geociências /Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, 2011)
Longitud de restricción de estacionamientos en la calle antes de una intersección señalizadaOn Street-Parking restriction length before a signalized intersection
(Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC)PE, 2020)
Determinación del Estado actual del pavimento articulado de las calles 10 de agosto y guayaquil sector centro histórico de la ciudad de Riobamba para la elaboración de un Plan de Mantenimiento vial.
(Riobamba: Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo, 2016., 2016)
Diseño vial preliminar de la calle s34w, en el barrio Buena Ventura, en la parroquia de Chillogallo, cantón Quito, provincia Pichincha
The preliminary design of the street "S34W", starts from the topographic survey, vehicle counts and mechanical analysis of soils; in order to carry out the GEOMETRIC DESIGN, ANALYSIS OF VEHICULAR FLOW and PAVEMENT DESIGN. ...