Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 808
Inverse source problems and controllability for the stokes and navier-stokes equations
(Universidad de Chile, 2016)
This thesis is focused on the Navier{Stokes system for incompressible
uids with either
Dirichlet or nonlinear Navier{slip boundary conditions. For these systems, we exploit some
ideas in the context of the control ...
Decomposição de Bony e um teorema de regularidade para soluções do sistema de Navier-Stokes
(Universidade Federal de São CarlosBRUFSCarPrograma de Pós-Graduação em Matemática - PPGM, 2008-02-13)
Our main goal is to present a dissertation about the J.-M. Bony's decom-
position for the product of distributions and as application a regularity result, due
to J.-Y. Chemin and N. Lerner, for solutions of the Navier-Stokes's ...
(Amer Inst Mathematical SciencesSpringfieldEUA, 2014)
Stokes and Navier–Stokes equations with Navier boundary condition Équations de Stokes et de Navier–Stokes avec la condition de Navier
(Elsevier Masson SAS, 2019)
© 2018 Académie des sciences In this paper, we study the stationary Stokes and Navier–Stokes equations with non-homogeneous Navier boundary condition in a bounded domain Ω⊂R 3 of class C 1,1 from the viewpoint of the ...
A source reconstruction algorithm for the Stokes system from incomplete velocity measurements
(IOP Publishing Ltd, 2017)
We consider the inverse problem of determining the spatial dependence of a source of the form f (x) sigma (t) in the Stokes system defined in Omega x (0, T), assuming that sigma (t) is known and f (x) is divergence-free. ...
Schwarz preconditioners for the spectral element discretization of the steady Stokes and Navier-Stokes equations
(Springer-verlagNew YorkEUA, 2001)
SOLUTIONS FOR THE NAVIER-STOKES EQUATIONS IN TRIDIMENSIONAL THIN DOMAINSSolução para as Equações de Navier-Stokes em Domínios Tridimensionais Finos
(Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, 2015)
O espalhamento Raman correlacionado Stokes-anti-Stokes: um estudo da influência da largura temporal do pulso de excitação
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilICX - DEPARTAMENTO DE FÍSICAPrograma de Pós-Graduação em FísicaUFMG, 2022-10-21)
In this work, we study the correlated Stokes-anti-Stokes (SaS) Raman scattering in a diamond sample and the influence that the excitation pulse width has in the intensity of generation of the correlated pairs in the process. ...
Convergence of a finite element/ALE method for the Stokes equations in a domain depending on time
(Elsevier, 2009)
We consider the approximation of the unsteady Stokes equations in a time dependent
domain when the motion of the domain is given. More precisely, we apply the finite
element method to an Arbitrary Lagrangian Eulerian ...
Self-propulsion of N-hinged 'Animats' at low Reynolds number
Optimal locomotion of micro-organisms (on a small Reynolds number flow) can be regarded as a sub-riemannian geometry on a principal bundle with a mechanical connection. Aiming at robotic applications, flagella are modeled ...