Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 157
Can fake wews impact the stock market? Evidence from politicians’ statements
A partir dos retornos das ações de indústrias, analiso se as fake news feitas pelos presidentes americanos Barack Obama e Donald Trump afetam o mercado de ações de maneira sistemática. Especificamente, investigo se os ...
Stock market reaction towards SPECT events using CAPM adjusted return
(Universidad del Zulia, 2019)
Asymmetric preferences in investment decisions in the Brazilian financial market
(SSRN, 2007)
The main objective of this article is to test the hypothesis that utility preferences that incorporate asymmetric reactions between gains and losses generate better results than the classic Von Neumann-Morgenstern utility ...
Covid-19 in the Brazilian stock market
As Covid-19 ravages through, several researchers have attempted to describe its impact in the share price of listed companies. I investigate the Brazilian stock market through a regression analysis of how three firm ...
The effect of chaotic recurrence and financial events on stock market
Company´s market share price can be affected by financial events or be a consequence of the stock market chaotic trend. This effect also depends on company market capitalization. In technical analysis of the stock market, ...
The effects of the 2010 chilean natural disasters on the stock market
(Universidad de Chile. Facultad de Economía y Negocios, 2014)
The 2010 Chilean earthquake and tsunami were among the strongest in the
world history. The exogeneity of these natural disasters provides the
opportunity to test stock price reactions. Using a sample of 42 firms listed ...
Stock market reactions and trade exposure around the world : evidence from the US-China trade war
(Universidad EAFITUniversité Catholique de LouvainMaestría en Ciencias en FinanzasEscuela de Economía y FinanzasMedellín, 2022)
This thesis aims to investigate the stock market reactions around the world to the US-China trade war using an event study. Specifically, we study abnormal returns and abnormal volatility on March 22, 2018, when the first ...
Analysis of the reaction of mining stocks to the development of copper prices
(Universidad ESANPE, 2017)
The mining sector is still one of the most fundamental ones in today´s economy, providing raw material to probably every industry. Accordingly, mining has a great influence on stock markets and investors worldwide. Following ...