Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 54
Estudos de tecnologias em Sponge City para drenagem da água pluvial: aplicação no Rio Arrudas em BH
(Universidade Federal de Minas GeraisBrasilARQ - ESCOLA DE ARQUITETURACurso de Especialização em Sustentabilidade em Cidades, Edificações e ProdutosUFMG, 2020-06-30)
Floods and floods in Brazilian urban centers reaffirm the problems between the
relationship between the river and the city. The objective of the article is to establish the
relationship between smart cities and their ...
Ordovician sponges from the Lenoir Limestone, Tennessee: New evidence for a differential sponge distribution along the margins of Laurentia
(Paleontological Society, 2019-09)
Five genera of anthaspidellid and streptosollenid demosponges are described from the Ordovician Lenoir Limestone near Lenoir City, Loudon County, Tennessee, USA including: Rhopalocoelia regularis Raymond and Okulitch, ...
Dose reduction of fluorogestone acetate through partition of sponges in a program of estrus synchronization
Dose reduction of fluorogestone acetate through partition of sponges in a program of estrus synchronization
Infraestrutura verde para o controle e a mitigação dos efeitos de enxurradas e enchentes urbanas em Presidente Venceslau/SP/Brasil
(Universidade Estadual Paulista (Unesp), 2020-06-19)
Presidente Venceslau é um município do interior do Estado de São Paulo de pequeno porte que, no entanto, enfrenta problemas típicos de grandes centros urbanos, como os enchentes e enxurradas. Com um sistema de drenagem ...
Puerto Boyacá Esponja: Intervención urbana enfocada a la mitigación de inundaciones.
(Pregrado Arquitectura, 2022-07-22)
Puerto Boyacá has different tools that make the municipality have potential for economic growth at the regional level. A projection urban growth will also go hand in hand, as a determining factor in the imaginary of the ...
The effect of post-extrusion conditions in ribbon extrusion of polymer blends
The aim of this study was to determine the effect of administering high and low doses of the opioid antagonist on the ovulation rate of Creole ewes during the mating season. Sixty ewes were allocated at random in three ...
Eficiencia del sistema de esponjas colgantes DHS de primera generación en el tratamiento del efluente del reactor UASB
(Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, 2015)
Eficiencia del sistema de esponjas colgantes DHS de primera generación en el tratamiento del efluente del reactor UASB
(Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería, 2015)