Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 342
Taro starch spherical aggregates were prepared by including a spray drying step in a conventional pilot plant-scale starch isolation procedure. The aim of this study was to characterize these spherical aggregates. The ...
Optical properties of polydisperse submicrometer aggregates of sulfur-containing zinc oxide consisting of spherical nanocrystallites
(Royal Soc Chemistry, 2011-01-01)
Spherical microparticles formed by agglomerated spherical nanocrystals of sulfur-containing ZnO were prepared by homogeneous precipitation of ZnS followed by thermal treatment under an air atmosphere. The samples were ...
Optical properties of polydisperse submicrometer aggregates of sulfur-containing zinc oxide consisting of spherical nanocrystallites
(Royal Soc Chemistry, 2011-01-01)
Spherical microparticles formed by agglomerated spherical nanocrystals of sulfur-containing ZnO were prepared by homogeneous precipitation of ZnS followed by thermal treatment under an air atmosphere. The samples were ...
Aggregate shape and tensile strength measurement
Tensile strength (TS) of soil aggregates is an important indicator of soil quality. However, TS varies with aggregate shape. Thus, the objective of this study was to quantify the influence of aggregate shape on TS and ...
Aggregate shape and tensile strength measurement
Tensile strength (TS) of soil aggregates is an important indicator of soil quality. However, TS varies with aggregate shape. Thus, the objective of this study was to quantify the influence of aggregate shape on TS and ...
Nonintrusive investigation of large Al-kaolin fractal aggregates with slow settling velocities
Although a combination of aggregate characteristics dictate particle settling, it is commonly assumed that large particles have higher terminal velocities. This simplifying assumption often leads to overprediction of large ...
Fractal dimension of diffusion-limited aggregation clusters grown on spherical surfaces
(American Physical Society, 2021-01)
In this work we study the fractal properties of diffusion-limited aggregation (DLA) clusters grown on spherical surfaces. Diffusion-limited aggregation clusters, or DLA trees, are highly branched fractal clusters formed ...