Mostrando ítems 1-7 de 7
Estructuras casi-Kähler estáticas en grupos de Lie
Una ecuación especialmente sofisticada para evolucionar variedades casi-Kähler es el flujo de curvatura simpléctico, introducido por Streets-Tian. Los puntos fijos de este flujo, que reciben el nombre de estructuras ...
Even dimensional improper affine spheres
(ElsevierSan Diego, 2015-01)
There are exactly two different types of bi-dimensional improper affine spheres: the non-convex ones can be modeled by the center-chord transform of a pair of planar curves while the convex ones can be modeled by a holomorphic ...
Invariant almost Hermitian structures on flag manifolds
(Academic Press Inc Elsevier ScienceSan DiegoEUA, 2003)
Estruturas quase hermitianas invariantes e ideais abelianos
([s.n.], 2003)
Generalised Chern-simons Theory And G2-instantons Over Associative Fibrations
(Institute of Mathematics, 2014)
Peccei?Quinn Transformations and Black Holes: Orbit Transmutations and Entanglement Generation
(MDPI AG, 2017-02)
In a recent paper (Mod. Phys. Lett. A 2015, 30, 1550104), the black-hole/qubit
correspondence (BHQC) was exploited to define “black hole quantum circuits” allowing for a change of the supersymmetry-preserving features of ...