Mostrando ítems 1-10 de 468
How do the ownership structure and board of directors' features impact earnings management? the spanish case¿Cómo influyen la estructura de propiedad y las características del consejo de administración en la gestión de los beneficios? El caso español
(Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting, 2020)
How do the ownership structure and board of directors' features impact earnings management? the spanish case¿Cómo influyen la estructura de propiedad y las características del consejo de administración en la gestión de los beneficios? El caso español
(Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting, 2020)
Gender biases in the Spanish financial and tax system. Proposals of solutionLos sesgos de género en el sistema financiero y tributario español: Propuestas de solución
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, 2019)
Determinantes y diferencias en la rentabilidad de cajas y bancos
La mayor reestructuración financiera llevada a cabo hasta la fecha en España
ha supuesto la desaparición de facto de las cajas de ahorros. Este artículo
analiza la rentabilidad de cajas y bancos del sistema financiero ...
Análise da crise financeira na Espanha: causas e medidas tomadas pelas autoridades espanholas
Esta dissertação analisa a crise bancária na Espanha a partir de 2008. Primeiramente, é analisado o período pré-crise na Espanha, as condições internacionais dos mercados financeiros, e o momento inicial de condições ...
Reform, equity and efficiency of the healthcare systems in Latin America. An analysis to inform the Spanish aid. 2008 SESPAS report
In the 1990s, international financial multilateral agencies promoted changes in the way health systems were financed and organized. Three decades later, equity and efficiency are still central problems of the health systems ...
Los sesgos de género en el sistema financiero y tributario español: Propuestas de soluciónGender biases in the Spanish financial and tax system. Proposals of solution
(Pontificia Universidad Católica del PerúPE, 2020)
Salud financiera y riesgo en los estados financieros de la empresa Avianca del sector aeronautico
(Universidad del RosarioAdministrador de negocios internacionalesFacultad de administración, 2014)
Globalization and competitiveness as a business reality, implies that managers prepare their companies the best way to survive in this world so unstable and changing. The first step consists of investigating and measured ...
Financial crises in "successful" emerging economies
(Brookings Institution PressECLAC, 2001)
This book is the result of a project developed by the United Nations Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC);, with support from the Ford Foundation. The text encompasses five articles ...